About myself

My name is Emilio Cantillo, i was born on  January 15, 2002 in Barranquilla, Colombia, i live with my mom and my dad, i am also an only child, currently i am studying at Lyndon B. Johnson school.
Before coming to this school, i studied at Colegio inter-americano , however i came here in 6th grade, in 2012. I tend to be calm and pay attention in class,  however, i tend to get angry and take things too seriously, i also get stressed very quickly when things don't work out my way, i am polite and respectful towards my teachers and my friends, i also tend to be shy when meeting new people. my favorite subjects are english, biology, and chemistry. I have lived in Barranquilla  for my whole life, however i have traveled to the United States several times, and have visited other parts of Colombia. I have a relatively small family with most of us living in Barranquilla, and a few living in the U.S.
I tend to spend my days at home, since i don't get out much, however i like to hang out with my friends when possible. I want to get good grades this year, so i hope everything works out fine.


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